Feb 20, 2007

You know ?

The knowing is not the thoughts
The knowing is not the feelings
The knowing is not the body
The knowing is not the mind
The knowing is found beyond the thoughts
The knowing is found without the feelings
The knowing continues when the body does not
The knowing trancends the mind
The knowing is found within
The knowing is sometimes forgotten
The knowing is never gone
The knowing is for you to find
The knowing is who you are
The knowing is where you have been
The knowing is where you are going
The knowing is knowing you know


ÅNG€L G said...

Hola ANONYMOUS, gracias por el commentario pero no se que me hablas bro. Te agradesco tu tiempo para dejarme un mensajito.

Have a nice week my friend!!

Anonymous said...

I love the last phrases,Angel..

The knowing is who you are
The knowing is where you have been
The knowing is where you are going
The knowing is knowing you know...

thats sounds realistic and nice :)


Paula Andrea said...

Está bonito... me gusta la idea de que todo puede permanecer. Un abrazo ;)